1: Selection of one chart only when only one visualization is possible in the dashboard concerning data attribute types in a given dataset.
In this case, the system will give you an alert message: The Selected …Visualisation Name… is/are not sufficient to generate dashboard considering given dataset, please select more visualization to generate dashboard.2: When selected visualization is not possible in the dashboard concerning data attribute types in a given dataset.
In this case, the system will give you a suggestion message (left side of 'Selected Visualization'): “The following selected visualizations will not generate considering the given dataset:
…Visualisation Names…
Please select other visualizations to generate a dashboard3: Minimum requirement of data attribute types to generate the following visualizations concerning data attributes present in the given dataset
1. Histogram: Numeric >= 1
2. Pie Chart: Categoric (Nominal or Ordinal) >= 1
3. Simple Bar Chart: Categoric (Nominal or Ordinal) >= 1
4. Line Chart: Numeric >= 1 and Temporal >= 1
5. Scatter Plot: Numeric >= 2
6. Bar Chart: Categoric (Nominal or Ordinal) >= 1 and Numeric >= 1