Data Visualization and Analysis

At this step user can visualize the uploaded data and analyze it for better understanding of data.
It provides following features:

  • Each visualization interactive features:The preprocessed data uploaded by user. It represent total number of row and columns of uploaded data.
    • Add to personalized dashboard:You can add the given visualization to the current unlocked (or create new) personalized dashboard.
    • Download:You can download the visualization at local machine as SVG format
    • Zoom:You can change the data attributes present in a selected visualization individually
    • Delete:You can delete that particular Visualization from dashboard
    • Hover:You can hope on a visulization to see interactive options
    • Single click:You can make a single click to visulization to modify/look into its covered data attributes importance present of left side of screen.
    • Information:You can see other detailed information and learning about that particular visulization (link will be given in pop up to learn more details)